.|||||||||. ||||||||||||| |||||||||||' .\ `||||||||||_,__o # How to help care for your lovely spiny friends If you're lucky enough to live in an area that hedgehogs live in you might like to do some things to make the adorable little critters a bit more comfy in your garden Here are a few tips to help out your local hedgie population ## Hedgie highways Hedgehogs love having a wander around, they can cover between 1-2km a night! If you have an enclosed garden, it's a good idea to put little holes in your fence at ground level so our friends can come in and have a snuffle around Hedgehogs can get through gaps of around 13x13cm which is much smaller than most other animals can get through so you won't have to worry about anyone other than hedgies coming by ## A little wild corner Let a corner of your garden go a bit wild, don't trim back plants and let anything that wants to grow there put down roots It'll let the hedgehogs have somewhere calm to nest and also get some insects into your garden which they love to munch on You can also put down a pile of logs for the same reason, lots of places for hedgehogs to nest, and places for insects for them to eat Also it gives you a super good excuse to do less gardening ## Health and safety There are some hazards around some gardens that can harm our little friends Avoid using pesticides and lawn treatements, both are toxic to hedgehogs and reduce the number of insects for them to eat If you have a garden pond then make sure there's a ramp so they can climb up out of it, they're very good swimmers but not so good at climbing out of water Also be aware of hedgehogs before doing things like using a strimmer or setting bonfires, hedgehogs might be hiding where you're working and you don't want to harm them ## Feeding time! Hedgehogs really like having some extra food around to supplement their usual diet, they really enjoy meaty cat or dog food (ours have a preference for chicken flavour) and they like both wet and dry food Water can also be a bit scarce at times so they also appreciate a small bowl or saucer of water ## Extra credit If you have the time and inclination you can build the hedgehogs some really nice homes! They're super easy to build, effectively just a 40x30x30cm box with a 30x13x13cm tube with the entrance. A guide is available from Hedgehog Street at this URL: https://www.hedgehogstreet.org/help-hedgehogs/hedgehog-homes/ You can also build a nice little cafe for them! It makes a good dry place to keep their food so that it doesn't get all damp and icky We made ours as a box with an open side for the hedgehogs to get in to Hedgehog cafes need to be cleaned out from time to time to stop them from getting too messy, hedgehogs are really mucky eaters! We used some spare plastic sheeting on the floor to make it easier to clean up after them